I thought everybody was G in the DMV.

Just when you think they are saying some real shit they turn around and do some stupid shit. I suppose I should give some context to that statement. Ok, if you're hip, you know Women's History Month and Day just passed last month. I personally support women on several levels including as a brand so I was sharing support, ads, memes, etc. to my social media following all month via posts and inboxes. On Women's History Day, I decided to show some love to Grindstone Universal along with some other companies, actresses, and artists who are either a woman or have women as the face of their company within my network. You're very welcome to all of you that responded with thanks and well wishes. Below is an exchange with the loved statement being the moment I decided I'm too grown to go where this convo was really about to go and left it. Didn't realize I was dealing with children around here but read it for yourself.

Sitting here looking at the last thing written it begs the question why is it so hard to correct my pronoun usage properly but not my spelling? How much y'all want to bet they don't have an answer that makes sense Even though I shouldn't I'm gonna put you up on game. Since It takes sense to make cents and it takes cents to make dollars you hustling backwards by not using your sense. Up until now, we had no problem with you or with spending money with you but you disrespected me and all the people that the woman u thought talking slick about was cool. Let's get into why this even means anything.

Above are the faces of Grindstone Universal pictured left is Pinky Killacorn Grindstone on the right. I know that several women, especially in the DMV support this brand due to their sisterly love of Pinky. I used to support the brand because of my love of Pinky along with where I was raised. I was raised in the DC area when brands like Madness, AllDayz, and Hobo gave us as young DMV dwellers a way to be different and always show bammas where we are from. Another thing is my love for music always causes me to keep DMV artists on my radar whether I always say I'm doing that or not. Long story short I'm an avid supporter of people that come from where I do but I have to state that I can't say with my whole chest that this display by Grindstone Universal is one of a real DMV dweller who be on that real DMV shit which is very disappointing. How can I keep running around this planet screaming the DMV the shit if some of us hollering about they represent us but looking like some shit.

Look family we love y'all so much and appreciate all of the support on this but I can't keep up with all the calls and texts so connect with them yourself and all that stuff y'all telling me tell them. Their store is right out Adams Morgan. I'm feeling like since Grindstone Universal pressed for me to pass messages to my mom. I'm going to use my time wiser than they stupid ass did and pass on why this woman is important to a culture that your dumb ass say you represent.

Our brands supposedly represent the streets being urban brands. Our market consists of the underdogs who hopefully made or makes it to a better situation. We already have to deal with those outside of our culture talking crazy so we cherish people that are there for us as people. For the last 25 years, my mom has been an award-winning helping hand to several real ass traps around the whole DMV. She has gotten up in the middle of the night for countless youths stuck in abusive situations due to living real street life and in need of shelter due to so-called parents and elders trying to beat that trap shit. When most people just run their mouths this woman put together whole programs that bridged artistic gang members and the city of Alexandria by hosting cultural events to raise money for scholarships for students at TC Williams High School. Remember the Titans fool we are all Kings and Queens. So again all things considered don't you think it would make more CENTS to just explain yourself a little bit instead of being a little bitch?
