A Free Spirited Snake Charmer
Peyton McElvy is a free-spirited beauty hailing from Virginia. Her nickname is Sunflower and she love's a full pallet of bright colors. Even the mango, her favorite fruit, is colorful. An interesting side note is that the green mango skin is the perfect tone to compliment the fiery red tones in Peyton's skin and hair. Peyton and photographer Jessie Reynolds came together to make some magic with this colorful snake charming shoot.
Like most creatives, Peyton uses her art as a form of healthy release. A blessing in it is building art into a successful business. You can check out some of her designs and portfolio at www.thefreespiritsart.com. A key to any great portfolio is showcasing the modeling styles you want to get booked for in as much of a diverse and creative way as possible.
Speaking of shooting styles, Peyton shoots everything. There is a limit though no boudoir or nude work unless it is artistically inclined. Peyton says she gets out of bed every day to experience the life of a free spirit, but that does not mean she likes to get pushed to the point of discomfort. A strong message that Peyton wants to pass on to fellow creatives in the industry is there is a difference between expanding your limits to grow and feeling the need to do something due to feeling uncomfortable.
One thing about life and art is you should always push limits in my opinion. That's part of what growth is made of, but sacrificing safety for the hands or pleasure of another isn't the best move. The move is giving us a moment of your time to check out Peyton McElvy in #ModelMoments on BZonin.Com.